Friday, July 4, 2008

I'm with Ezra on free speech

Prominent conservative blogger, Ezra Levant, likes to share his views about free speech in Canada. While I do not always share his conservative viewpoints about we should live in Canada, I do support his concepts of free speech, that we are generally able to speak and publish things freely without state intervention. We do not need to justify to any government agency why we speak or publish our thoughts in a certain way. I don't think he or I would suggest free speech is absolute. If the state wishes to deny our right to speak or publish our thoughts in words or pictures, then it must enact a law denying that right. We don't have the right to write or say things that are libellous or slanderous. We don't have the right to publish the names of underaged people who are charged with crimes. We don't have the right to publish pornographic pictures related to children.

Why should some citizens want to deny Ezra Levant or me the right to publish a picture of the Prophet Mohammad? Is he some kind of Medusa that will turn us into stone? I can publish a picture of Hitler, Jesus, and Medusa. Somehow, Mohammad ist verboten.

I do not wish to be told to write a certain way. I am my own copy editor. If I wish to write BC and AD rather than BCE (Before the Common Era) and CE (Common Era), that is my choice. If I wish to write black instead of African-Canadian, that is my choice. If I wish to publish a picture of what I think the Prophet Muhammad looked like, that is my choice. If I wish to write Jews instead of Jewish people, that is my choice and my right. I do prefer a more pleasant Juvian. I don't think this will catch on with the general public.

I present to you my Muhammad based on the likeness of the Prophet Steyn. Aren't they both handsome? Both look so fragile and beautiful like delicate flowers.

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